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SIAM Journal on Computing

Table of Contents
Volume 5, Issue 2, pp. 181-331

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Multidimensional Searching Problems

David Dobkin and Richard J. Lipton

pp. 181-186

On the Additive Complexity of Matrix Multiplication

Robert L. Probert

pp. 187-203

Graph Transformations for Roundoff Analysis

Webb Miller

pp. 204-216

On Families of Languages Defined by Time-Bounded Random Access Machines

I. H. Sudborough and A. Zalcberg

pp. 217-230

Noncanonical Extensions of Bottom-Up Parsing Techniques

Thomas G. Szymanski and John H. Williams

pp. 231-250

Termination Properties of Generalized Petri Nets

Y. Edmund Lien

pp. 251-265

Algorithmic Aspects of Vertex Elimination on Graphs

Donald J. Rose, R. Endre Tarjan, and George S. Lueker

pp. 266-283

Decomposition Theorems for Various Kinds of Languages Parallel in Nature

Sven Skyum

pp. 284-296

Ranking Algorithms: The Symmetries and Colorations of the $n$-Cube

Jay P. Fillmore and S. G. Williamson

pp. 297-304

Local Adjunct Languages and Regular Sets

Leon S. Levy

pp. 305-308

Synthesizing a Response Function with a Feedback Scheduling Algorithm

Arthur Bernstein

pp. 309-317

On Preserving Proximity in Extendible Arrays

D. Bollman

pp. 318-323

Computational Complexity over Finite Fields

Volker Strassen

pp. 324-331